Student Solution


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Response 8

Response 8

Q Each week you will complete a response on Canvas and upload it before the start of the next class. The response will usually focus on that week's textbook reading. For full credit, responses should be approximately 500 words or the equivalent if you choose an optional format. Always include at least 2 citations to the text book using correct APA citation. Check citation on the Purdue OWL website: (Links to an external site.) The responses should be thoughtful, well-written, and demonstrate an understanding of the chapter. You will need to attach your document below to submit it. You have options for how to submit this assignment - You may: • Write a traditional response - 1 - 1 1/2 pages long double spaced (around 500 words). • Submit slides that address the prompts and are equivalent - you still need to include 2 citations from the text. Equivalent might be 5-6 slides addressing all of the prompts. • Make a video/ audio submission - if you need a break from writing, record your response to the prompts. You will need to either verbally share your citations or put them in the comment section when you submit your video or audio file. • Interview. Interview a child in this age group or a parent/ caregiver/ teacher of children in this age group. Develop 5-7 questions to ask them, summarize your interview and make connections back to the chapter. This chapter looked at psychosocial development in Middle Childhood - Ages 6-11. It focuses on theory. family structure/ function and peer group (friendships, bullying, etc) Respond to 2 prompts. You must respond to the theory prompt and then choose either family function or peers. If you opted to do an interview - you do NOT have to do the prompts but you still need to include 2 citations. Theory: (Required) (pp. 409-416 and 434-436) This chapter focused on Erikson, Kohlberg, and frameworks of Resilience and Stress. Choose one of these sections. Summarize 2 of the key points for the theory/ theorist you chose. Choose either Family or Peers Family (pp. 416-429): The chapter focuses on family structure and family function. Families serve 5 crucial functions for school age children: to supply basic necessities, to encourage learning, to develop self-respect, to nurture friendships and to provide harmony and stability. Thinking about your own childhood or the childhood of a friend or relative: • Describe your family structure and how your family functions. If you do not want to do a personal reflection, you can describe a friend, relative, a family of a child you have taught or cared for or even a fictional family. • What are positive and negative impacts of the family structure on the family function? • During the COVID crisis, which families might be more vulnerable? Peers (pp. 429-438): Peers become increasingly important in middle childhood. Friendships deepen and children also are faced with the increasing complexity of peer interactions and challenges with things like bullying. • Thinking back on your own childhood, ages 6-11, what was the culture of your childhood? What games did you play? How did you work out conflicts? Who were your friends? How did you learn right and wrong (moral development)? • During this COVID crisis - how are children maintaining their friendships and social interaction? You can share what you observe in your own family, reach out to families with children in this age group, or look online. Rubric Responses Responses Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion Response to prompts 9 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 9 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting 3 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitation Includes 2 citations from text 3 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 3 pts Total Points: 15 PreviousNext

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When looking back on my childhood there were so many things that I enjoyed about it. The culture of my childhood was fairly normal. The only thing that was unique or had a different culture for me growing up was living in London for a few years. Looking back at my time in London there were so many different games and ways kids played and the things kids would do to entertain themselves. One of the biggest differences for me was watching tapes of Disney movies. The movies were the same, the script and the voices of the characters were totally different.